Just a little background, from good ol' Punkin Center, I live on the same road I grew up on. I know you are probably thinking, "Girl, move on why don't ya?", but I really like it here.
This memory came to me on Sunday while spending the evening with my oldest and dearest friend, Brandon. He lives around the road from our family and he has lived on the same road all of his life as well. Growing up in the household with grandparents you can imagine that my sister and I were raised in kind of an older way of thinking.... No video games, only washing our hair in cold water (another day another post) and even stranger Old Wives Tales, but one of the greatest things about growing up at thier house was the time we spent playing cards in the evenings. Remember we were NEVER allowed to have an ATARI (I know taking everyone back a few years) and cable wasn't even an option in Punkin Center, so we played ROOK everynight.
Has anyone ever heard of or better yet played ROOK? It was always the best fun and made Brandon and I friends for life.
I revisited this when Sunday, Brandon came over for the first in many many years and we picked up right where we left off. Friends Forever.
The cool thing is... Cason is just the right age to start playing and hoping it gets him away from the Wii/DS/Computer!
Until next time,
btw... Cason loved playing ROOK and can't wait until next Sunday!