Sunday, June 28, 2009

Army Wives --Incoming

So as I have mentioned, I'm in love with Army Wives on Lifetime.

If you are a fan and don't want to know the "low down" or some might say the "down low"...

Please note --- This post could verifiable be a 'spoiler' post for those who haven't watched.

Here are some thoughts I have about tonight's episode, Incoming.

* Is everyone in agreement that Emiline is totally pushing Claudia Joy's buttons? OH MY, I have to say I never even thought about dying my hair RED! Speaking of Claudia Joy, don't you just love the relationship she and now 2-Star General, Michael Holden have?

* Pam and kids moved into the new house on post and my my it look lovely. I hope Chase likes it, but from the previews of next weeks episode, it sounds like he is going to be a total jerk about it.

* What do you guys think about Joan? I guess not being affiliated with the military I can't understand the since of duty she feels so strongly about.

* Last but certainly not least...Frank and Denise.... I don't know why, but I am feeling such sadness for Denise. I know that she had an affair while her husband was in the war fighting for our freedom, but for some reason I just feel for the poor woman. When Jeremy, Frank and Denise's son, lost his little dog, Lucky, because his commanding officer told him to get rid of it, I started to feel like Jeremy was going to die and that would be tie that brings Frank and Denise back together.

Hmmmmm.... What are some thoughts about tonight's episode or speculations about what the season has to hold?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Remembering Michael...

I am still in absolute shock...

CNN headlines read "Michael Jackson 'King of Pop' Dead".

Can you believe it?

I used to LOVE Michael Jackson. When I was in the 3rd grade Thriller was released and along with it came "Thriller - The Video". We moved that summer and had one of those big huge satellites in our backyard and could pick up MTV!!

I know you are thinking "Big Deal Lucille", but back in the day.... it was a BIG deal.
My sister, stepbrother and I would watch it over and over. My stepdad has always been a HUGE music fan so 104.3 (our local pop/rock channel) was on ALL the time. We listened all the time and when Michael would come on we would sing.

Okay, let me just say, when all the weirdness started from him, I stopped listening, but give credit where credit it due.... The man was a musical/dance genius. Weird as all get-out but a genius in his own right!

So paying tribute to Michael Jackson, I loaded my ipod of some of my favorites:

  • ABC - Love me some Jackson 5
  • I'll Be There

  • Thriller (FYI..I used to be scared to death of this girl at school that wore a Thriller t-shirt like 3 times a week! Honestly, to this day she puts chills up the back of my neck when I run in to her YIKES!!)

  • Billie Jean
  • We are the world
  • Beat It
  • Black or While
  • Smooth Criminal
  • Man in the Mirror
What are some of your favorites?

Friday, June 19, 2009


So you know I am still leaning all the ins and outs of blogging?

Can anyone tell me how to remove a comment, which I think is SPAM?

Hmmm.. I am at a loss :0


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Army Wives

Okay, let me just ask "Am I the only one absolutely IN LOVE with the show Army Wives on Lifetime?"

I am a huge Catherine Bell Fan, even though I don't like some of the choices the writers had her character to make.

The show just had it's 3rd season opener last week and let me tell you "I love it"

Check it out at (I hope I figured out the link button:-)

One the neatest things about the show, is after each new episode and go onto and watch the webisode... Very exciting!!

If you don't watch, it is on every Sunday night at 9:00 Central Time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Beginning to an End.....of my caffeine addiction

Those of you that know me, know that I love my Mt. Dew

You also know that I love my Venti Carmel Macchiato on a cold winter day

Thanks to my friend Barb, I have recently found a love for International Delight Chocolate Eclair Creamer in my morning coffee...YUMMMMM YUMMMM

As much as I LOVE all the great-tasting caffeinated drinks I enjoy on a regular basis, I am giving them up as of today, June 15, 2009!!
Say a little prayer for me, the last time I tried to give up cold turkey I thought my eyeball was going to pop out from the horrific headache!
Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My first "TAG"

I have been on the blogtrain for about 3 months and counting and this is my first tag. My friend from way back BamaGirlinAZ tagged me. How Exciting?!!

You know me, I like rules and from things I read about other bloggers, they like rules too...

So here they are:

A) List 6 unimportant things that make you happy
B) Mention and link to the person that tagged you
C) Tag 6 of your favorite bloggers to play along and comment on their blogs to let them know they have been tagged.

Sounds easy enough... Let's try it and see if it works from my end. (If not, don't hate me and remember it is my first tag :-)

1. Having my inbox at work completely empty before I leave the office. (Does say something about my obsessive compulsive behavior patterns?)

2. My Mary Engelbreit Home Companion magazine collection.

3. Making the "neatest" Christmas Stockings for my family using hand dyed linen and Lizzie Kate Chart Designs.

4. Blogging

5. Pulling the tabs off of Pull & Seal Envelopes (Who wants to like an envelope YUCK)

6. Crossword puzzles (Only the ones in the back of People, because I like celebrity news)

You're It:



3. buttercupcountsherblessings

4. Ok this list is PRET-TY weak with only 3 blog friends... I just didn't know if it was in the "rules" to tag someone if you really hadn't made contact with them...

Thanks Whit, I really had fun with this. Hoping next time, I will have met more people.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Memories

This morning was the first morning of Pine Ridge Day Camp for Cason and it remined me of the first time he went to Camp Chula Vista for overnight camp. He stayed three nights and four days. I missed him terribly, but he had a wonderful time!!!

My friend, Dree, was one of the counselors and she sent me this photo.

Keep in mind, I packed 4 days worth of clothes and this was the 3rd day in his pajama pants that he wore the entire time he was there!!! To breakfast.... horseback riding.... after showering... to sleep in.... You can imagine for a 7 year old that had been wearing the same pair of pajama pants for 4 day smelled like when we picked him up!!!!