Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Memories

This morning was the first morning of Pine Ridge Day Camp for Cason and it remined me of the first time he went to Camp Chula Vista for overnight camp. He stayed three nights and four days. I missed him terribly, but he had a wonderful time!!!

My friend, Dree, was one of the counselors and she sent me this photo.

Keep in mind, I packed 4 days worth of clothes and this was the 3rd day in his pajama pants that he wore the entire time he was there!!! To breakfast.... horseback riding.... after showering... to sleep in.... You can imagine for a 7 year old that had been wearing the same pair of pajama pants for 4 day smelled like when we picked him up!!!!


  1. super cute picture of him! I am excited for Sofia to go to camp when she is bigger! I never went to camp!

  2. I'm glad Cason's having fun! I can totally see him wearing PJ pants for four days in a row. I have a feeling he would wear them everyday if you let him! :)--Faith

    P.S. Love the new background by the way!

  3. I can't believe you are talking about my Grandson...hehe...
